Savory Salmonella

Image result for cookie dough
Photo via Food & Wine

Doesn’t that cookie dough just make your mouth water? Go ahead, pick up the spoon and dig right in. I mean what’s the worst that could happen, right? Well, the worst part happens after you’ve devoured all that raw egg. Eggs are known to contain a bacteria called Salmonella which can cause serious and sometimes fatal illness. According to the CDC, poultry carries the bacteria and can contaminate the inside of eggs before the shell has formed. The dropping of poultry can also contaminate eggs through the laying process or from the environment. This is why it’s incredibly important that you fully cook that raw cookie dough you’re about to eat.

I cannot tell you how many times I have watched my roommate grab a tub of raw cookie dough from the fridge and just start eating it like it’s ice cream. It worries me every time. Don’t get me wrong, I love the taste as well and would like nothing more to join her, but the consequences outweigh everything for me. These infections commonly take the form of Salmonella gastroenteritis. While it is the least serious form, it still comes with some not-so-tasteful signs and symptoms. The Mayo Clinic reports the syndrome of a Salmonella infection as nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, abdominal cramps and last, but not least, diarrhea. These signs and symptoms generally last two to seven days, but the diarrhea could possibly burden you for up to 10 days. Moral of the story being that a few bites of delicious cookie dough can sometimes be a few bites of savory Salmonella.

In recent news, the CDC has issued an investigation notice that a recent Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak may be linked to pet hedgehogs. Eleven people in eight states have been infected with this strain. Luckily, there have been no deaths at this time, but health officials are advising against cuddling up to these adorable little prickly creatures. Salmonella germs can be found in their droppings and can easily be spread to their bodies. As cute as they are, I still don’t get the urge to cuddle with a hedgehog but to each their own. If you are one of those people who owns a pet hedgehog, you should wash your hands regularly, clean their habitat, and avoid getting too up close and personal with them. I know…I know, it’s tempting.

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